The #AusELT Resource Wiki

The #AusELT Resource Wiki has now been transferred to the #AusELT website: http://auselt.com/resources/
These wiki pages will be left as an archive for a short while, but are no longer being updated. Please visit the http://auselt.com/resources/ pages for current resources and links.
The resources are still crowd-sourced, but requests for additions/edits, should come via the #AusELT Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/AusELT/ or #AusELT hashtag on Twitter
Welcome to the #AusELT Resource Wiki. #AusELT is a community of enthusiastic, dedicated ELT professionals based in or near to Australia and New Zealand, who work together to share industry-related resources, advice and news via social media. This wiki was started because we felt there was little published material out there with an Antipodean focus, and we wanted to help our learners better understand and engage with local culture, lifestyle, music, film, current events etc., whilst learning English in a way that is practical, relevant and engaging. We hope that this wiki will be a forum for sharing this type of Australasia-related content, bringing together our favourite resources, ideas, lessons, worksheets and links in one convenient location.
NB: Remember all the pages below are for Australasia-related materials. Click here for Frequently Asked Questions.
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